Monday, August 25, 2008

Famine 30 at HICT

Two days of no-rest, but everything is worth it! I am glad to emcee for all of you!

Monday, August 18, 2008

#3 Disgusting things sure happened in Malaysia

I am someone who practice my religion quietly and silently, and at most of the time, I prayed to God to save earth and the unfortunate people around the world. But lately, I pray extra miles: asking God to save Malaysia instead.

I am practically and realistically disgusted by the series of events happened after March election. And recently, I am not sure whether I am being sensitive or what, racial sentiments seemed to be the latest politic games.

Like what I read from a blog, I would have totally agree with one of the replies that any clever Malaysians with brain (and not pig-brain, NOT PIG BRAIN) will not support any of the existing political parties. And I certainly won't vote now.

It is sickening.

While they are continuing to fight, jobs are not done. Our economy is totally ignored and left in a blunder.

God, please save us!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New English Words I Learned Yesterday

Interesting session as I finally realized that my pronunciation isn't correct afterall. People! Learn up!

Ringgit = linggit
Diploma = dipoma
Degree = degee
Complete = compete
Program = pogam
Right? = lite?
You = beau
Thousand = thou-and
Because = becuss
Three = thee
Affordable - afflolable
Enroll = en-dough
Register = legister
Together = toge-duh!
Status = state-tus
With = wit
April = Ap-ler
Proceed = poceed
October = o-tiu-ber
Hundred = hunled
Register - degister
Accountancy = accountaling
Different = diffent
Project = pojet
Subscription = subscliption
Fifteen = fee-teen
Provider = po-vi-ler
Principle = pin-siple
Student = stulent
Usually = u-sure-ly

Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to school?

Now, how interesting my life can be as assistant marketing manager of HICT. I enjoyed spending my time, giving motivation talks to students in schools, and I really love every single moment of it. But of course, having to speak to a bunch of 200 plus students is never easy. So I have to learn to ignore, and being ignorant is something not good! hmmm....But hey, I am not gonna make my life miserable becoz of some students who didn't appreciate the advise.

This Thursday gonna be a big day for me, as I am finally going to step back into my high school, SMSSAAS, Section 2, Shah Alam, after 11 years of no-show in the compound. Will my teachers still be there? Will they still remember me? I obviously think they will not be able to recognize me. I am going to laminate the 'sajak' I wrote for all my teachers during my last year in SMSSAAS, and give it to the current headmistress.

I hope the students will be as good as my batch, which I doubt. Hahaha....Wongtc and gang are alwez da best! One big achievement: my batch has the best result in the school and district history and also the most number of students who passed SPM 'Moral' and 'Sejarah' with A. Gegegege....

Down to memory lane! I missed my high school days and frenz.